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Climate Resolution Attacks Global Warming

Ethics Daily ran my latest piece today, which is entitled "Mo. Baptist Climate Resolution Attacks Global Warming." It looks at a recent resolution on "environmental stewardship" and the arguments of the individual who authored the original draft.


  1. Brian,

    To be fair when pointing out the possible conflicted interests of the resolution author's sources, should you not also point out Gore's financial interests in carbon offsets and other opportunities existing because of assumed human-induced global warming?

    I believe you and others--loosely represented by the NBC--are either willingly or naively being used to advertise, in the guise of spirituality, the profit aspirations of a fellow Baptist, Al Gore.

    That's "profit," not "prophet."

  2. Thanks for the comment. However, your comparison is a little off. Gore is not a scientist doing work. He is an advocate, and thus a prophet making a profit. There is rightfully a different standard for those doing the research and those making political claims based on the research. Gore would not be the equivalent to Urich's sources but rather to Urich. However, if Gore is using research funded by environmentalist efforts, then you would have a valid point. My hope is that both sides would avoid the claims of ideological researchers and instead focus on the science.


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