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For Christ's sake, stop!

"For Christ's sake, stop!" That is the title of a Baptist Press column today by Southern Baptist Convention president Frank Page. The title and the content within seems to be in the same vein as my book For God's Sake, Shut Up! Here are a few of Page's excellent remarks:
Our witness is being diluted and energies expended on other activities, especially on internecine conflict.

... These days, increasing numbers of church members launch websites detailing allegations, accusations and complaints. I ask church members this question: Do you think lost people see this? When newspaper reporters are called and church conflict becomes known in the newspaper, either locally or nationally, what do you think this does when lost people read it? For Christ's sake, for the sake of the lost, stop!

... Phone calls, e-mails, and hallway conversations continue to take place with the bottom line being character assassination. For Christ's sake, stop!

... Lost people are seeing the deep division and sometimes hatred that is flowing forth among churches and among those who are involved in convention discussions. For Christ's sake, stop!
Amen! We must be careful to make sure that our words do not drive people away from God, which is the focus of my book. I hope that more Christian leaders will come to recognize the importance of watching our words.


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I agree with Page's sentiment, but I have to wonder with the growing problem of authoritarian pastors leaves church members feeling they have no other option.

    Too many people have abused their power and destroyed churches while tellings members to stop complaining and critizing.

    David Hardin

  2. David: Thanks for the comment. I think you are correct that authoritarian leaders are part of the problem here. Page is not one who has abused power and then told people to stop complaining, but there certainly are some like that.


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