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Derek Webb’s complete music album “Mockingbird” is available for free to download at Go get it (after all, it is free)! The songs are daring and challenging. Not the usual feel-good sugar-sweet Christian music. He tackles issues of war, poverty, politics, government, and more. You will be inspired and challenged by his words while enjoying his tunes. Oh, and it is free!


  1. Brian,

    I beat you to it I think. I downloaded it this morning and have enjoyed listening to the music and especially the lyrics.

  2. I had the privilege of sitting in on a recording industry press conference a couple of years ago and Derek Webb was one of the guests. A lot of thought provoking stuff was shared. Here's a link if you want to read more...

    INO press conference: Derek Webb, Chris Rice, Darlene Zschech

  3. Gary: Yes, you beat me. I guess I'm not as cutting edge as I thought I was. Oh well.

    Roger: Thanks for the link!


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