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Reporting Brings AP Cite, HLGU Edits

Reporting Brings AP Cite, HLGU Edits
After I broke the story for Word&Way that Hannibal-LaGrange University's invitation to Missouri Attorney General (and U.S. Senate hopeful) Josh Hawley would violate the political campaign activity ban (also often called "the Johnson Amendment"), the story went national. The Associated Press reported the story on Sept. 28 - and cited Word&Way!

As is typical with AP stories, the article reappeared on more than 100 websites of other media outlets across the country, including those of the ABC News, Fox News, New York Times, U.S. News & World Report and numerous local newspapers and television stations. It is gratifying to see the national attention to Word&Way. 

In response to the attention, HLGU edited its online communications about Hawley's appearance. I wrote an update article for Word&Way that notes the HLGU site now follows the IRS's guidelines concerning the political campaign activity ban. It is good to see HLGU positively reacting and improving their communication. 

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