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Inaugural Remarks by Keith Ross at Missouri Baptist University

Inaugural Remarks by Keith Ross at Missouri Baptist University

The 35th episode of the Word&Way podcast, Baptist Without An Adjective, is now out. This bonus episode features the inaugural address by Keith Ross, the new president of Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis, Mo. He delivered these remarks on Oct. 19 as he was officially installed as the seventh president of MBU. You can hear my interview with Ross from that day in episode 34. There will also be more coverage and photos in the November issue of Word&Way magazine (subscribe here).

There are several ways to check out the podcast:
- You can find it on iTunes, where I hope you'll subscribe and leave a positive review (which helps other people find the program).
- You can put the RSS feed into whichever program you prefer to track podcasts and other information.
- You can listen to the second episode with the inaugural remarks by Keith Ross online here or in the player above.

If you enjoy the episode, I hope you'll share it on Facebook or other social media sites. Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. “The notion to even try to achieve this is innovative in and of itself, but getting it to work in practice shows both creativity and adeptness,” says professor Marc Christensen, who serves as Dean of the Lyle School of Engineering at Southern Methodist University and was not involved in the research. “This work is a significant step in the broader attempt to develop revolutionary imaging capabilities that are not limited to line-of-sight observation.”  Mclimen Alma


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