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Discussing Religious Liberty, Johnson Amendment, & Baptist Cooperation with Amanda Tyler

Discussing Religious Liberty, Johnson Amendment, & Baptist Cooperation with Amanda Tyler

The 36th episode of the Word&Way podcast, Baptist Without An Adjective, is now out. This week's episode features Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. She discusses the experience of testifying before Congress, the importance of the political campaign activity ban (also often called "the Johnson Amendment"), and pending Supreme Court cases. Tyler also talks about the work of the BJC and how Baptist cooperate together to advocate for religious liberty for all. (This episode is presented in partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.)

There are several ways to check out the podcast:
- You can find it on iTunes, where I hope you'll subscribe and leave a positive review (which helps other people find the program).
- You can put the RSS feed into whichever program you prefer to track podcasts and other information.
- You can listen to the second episode with Amanda Tyler online here or in the player above. You can also hear Tyler's recent testimony before Congress in episode 31. And you can hear Tyler and other Baptists talking about the political activity ban in episode 32.

If you enjoy the episode, I hope you'll share it on Facebook or other social media sites. Thanks for listening!

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