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New Churchnet Website

ChurchNetLogoHrzAs part of the First Priority 2015 strategic plan adopted earlier this year, the Baptist General Convention of Missouri is now known by its doing-business name Churchnet. Although the transition has been occurring over the past few months, the new Churchnet website is now live: The new website includes many exciting new features designed to help churches and church leaders as they seek to better fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. These include: the Resource Center (where one can search for and find numerous ministry resources, as well as suggest resources for the database), the Event & Training Hub (where one can find information about training events, many of which are free and online), the Relationship Network (where one can join and create discussion groups, including private ones), and the forums (where one can sound off on various topics). These interactive online resources--in addition to the other ministry resources and efforts of Churchnet--are part of Churchnet's first priority of serving churches!

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