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Kicked Out of Court

Breaking News

The Missouri Baptist Convention has lost yet another ruling in its legal fight against Windermere Baptist Conference Center. In June, the MBC came up with a new legal strategy and asked to move its losing fight to the federal courts. Now, that effort has come to an end as the federal court rejected the MBC's effort for multiple reasons and sent the case back to the state courts. The judge argued that the MBC did not file a timely notice of removal, did not follow the procedural requirements in filing its notice of removal, and is wrong about the nature of the case. Such a ruling does not bode well for the MBC since the state courts have continually ruled against the MBC. How many new legal theories that are completely repudiated (or "refudiated") will the MBC's attorneys be allowed to try before the MBC quits wasting Cooperative Program missions money on this legal fight? With every judge that has examined the merits of the case having ruled against them (and after having dropped a similar case against Word&Way), the MBC has nothing to show for their legal fight except a couple of millions of dollars of debt.

1 comment:

  1. blank
    Anonymous9:22 PM

    Didn't Mr. Jester file bankruptcy for one of his companies just before he died, the company that held part of the Windermere land? Seems like the MBC case to get that land back would have to be in federal court, if the land is there. Is the land still tied up in bankruptcy?


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