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Virginia Politics

As Virginia's gubernatorial campaign heats up, there is a lot of attention being given to the race since it is one of the few major races in the country this year. The Winchester Star quoted me in an article today about the candidates using new online campaign strategies. The piece is entitled "Candidates update campaign strategies." Also, I had a column today about the race in The Roanoke Times. The piece is entitled "A disingenuous attack against McAuliffe."


  1. Isn't the Republicans main point that McAuliffe has been a long-time Clinton hack, including Hillary's ugly race with Obama?

    You have to remind the public, after all. They have bad memories--including those of Clinton ethics.

    His support of all Clinton stands for says alot.

    Your argument that the Republicans are guilty of what they accuse McAuliffe of is silly and naive.

  2. CD: Thanks for the comment. However, the Republicans were mainly attacking him for running against Obama. Your argument about attacking his past connections with the Clintons could be a legitimate attack if done ethically. But that was not the focus of the argument. To just attack him for campaigning against Obama is unfair and disingenuous because it is exactly what they have done. You might give politicians a pass for playing so dirty, but I will instead hold them to a higher standard.


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