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As Much?

As Republicans try to figure out why they lost in the elections earlier this month and what it will take to recover, the Wall Street Journal asked several prominent Republicans to offer their ideas. Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, was one of the individuals to write a piece. He focused on the values he thought Republicans need to keep firm. One of them, however, seems to be pretty wrong:
The fourth core value must be an economic agenda that demonstrates as much concern for Main Street and the average family's budget as it does for Wall Street and multinational conglomerates.
Really? Just give "as much concern" to Main Street and the average family as is given to Wall Street and large corporations? Why not give more concern? Although giving "as much" would probably be an improvement, it seems that if we are talking about values and "values voters," then let us get the value correct. Evangelicals--whom Land focuses on in his piece--should especially give more concern to Main Street and the average family.


  1. It was the day the Wall Street Journal article came out or maybe the day after and Land was being interviewed on MSNBC.

    Throughout the interview, Land repeatedly referred to the Republican Party as WE. WE need to do this. WE need to do that.

    Truly a moment of honesty for Land.

  2. Brian,

    I think we in America need to quit kidding ourselves - Wall Street does indeed affect average families (and in huge ways).

    The incessant chatter that some how Wall Street doesn't at all matter or isn't that important to families (or even is some separate "evil" entity) just doesn't make sense. Those with 401K's, health savings accounts, and small investment portfolios can certainly account for that.

    Conventional wisdom has always taught (and still does) that the best way to save, prepare for retirement, and get ready for college is by investing in the stock markets. So, we, in America, must be concerned with the markets if we are going to continue to support the Middle Class and help to raise up those now in the lower income classes.

    And that's economics 101.

  3. Thanks for the comments!

    BDW: That's good, thanks for sharing that!

    DR: I never said Wall Street does not affect average families. I think that focusing on Wall Street should be a part of helping Main Street. However, the stronger focus should be on Main Street, not Wall Street.


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