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Speaking Out

There seems to be some progress in Christians speaking out against the hate preacher Fred Phelps. Yesterday, the Agape Press, a conservative online press that has run numerous pieces condemning homosexuality, finally ran a piece that condemns the "false gospel" of Fred Phelps as well. Here are a couple of highlights:

Recently, Phelps has expanded his expressly hate-driven activities to include despicable attacks on U.S. military personnel who gave their lives in service to this country, parading "God Hates America" signs and desecrating the American flag at their funerals without regard or compassion for their families or the certainty that many such families are people of faith who themselves sincerely believe homosexual behavior is wrong.

Phelps' bizarre demand to erect celebratory public monuments to the murder of homosexual college student Mathew Shepard has also motivated officials in at least one city, rather than grant his demand, to ban all public displays and thus remove a Ten Commandments monument that had for half a century been displayed in a city park.

Phelps' twisted message serves only to falsely caricature and fuel prejudice and bigotry toward people of faith who sincerely espouse traditional Judeo-Christian moral views on issues such as marriage and protecting the lives of prenatal children. He has become a near-indispensable propaganda tool for homosexual activists intent on promoting homosexual behavior in our public schools and elsewhere and demonizing anyone who objects.
Amen! It is great to see that more Christians are willing to take a stand against the hate rhetoric of Phelps. The columnist is correct in noting that Phelps is hurting the work of the Kingdom and actually turning people away from God's love. Perhaps if more Christians will speak out we will finally be able to drown out this false gospel.


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Thanks for the effort you put into this blog; it's a worthwhile and informative resource.

    I'll be reading. :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words.


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