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Reaching the World

Here is a story about a church that is taking seriously the call to tell the world about God: First Baptist spreads the Word 24 hours a day. Here are a couple highlights:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Now the Word is broadcast 24 hours a day across the country and throughout the world on FBCtv6.

With artist Anthony Thaxton as director of media ministries at Hattiesburg's First Baptist Church, the Lord doesn't need 12 Apostles to spread his message. He's got Comcast Cable and the Internet to do the work for him.

... In addition to the three live services that are taped and broadcast each week, Thaxton added programming such as his own "Southern Sketches" art program and a news highlights show.

... Then there's the Internet. Partnering with, FBCtv6 (shown on Comcast's Channel 6) is now broadcast 24 hours a day to anyone with a computer.

"We're the first church to have a 24-hour channel on the network," Thaxton said. "We have a group of missionaries from Russia who were in Hattiesburg who now see the show back home. I've gotten e-mail from London, from all over the world and phone calls from people who never watched us before."

Up next is a late-night talk show for young people that will feature music and lively discussion.
Hats off to Thaxton and First Baptist for working so hard to communicate the love of Jesus with as many people as they can! While most churches do not have near the technology or ability for this level, each one find ways to reach as many as they can.

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