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Wrong Focus

Roger Thomas has an excellent column over at Ethics Daily about the criticisms of “Brokeback Mountain.” Here are a few highlights:

"Most of the discussion, especially among Christian groups, seems to focus on the homosexual relationship between the two lead characters and the liberalism of Hollywood for producing and acclaiming a film with such a subject."

"This causes one to ponder, 'Where is the outcry about the depiction of adultery in the film?'"

"When did homosexuality become a greater sin than adultery? Has the former replaced the latter in the Big Ten?"

"But why are those attacking the film focusing on one sin exclusively? Where is the outcry about the adultery?"

"Arguably, the most sympathetic character is Ennis' wife, Alma, who struggles with the knowledge that her husband has betrayed their marriage. Played brilliantly by the Oscar-nominated Michelle Williams, who deserves to win, Alma is the most visible victim in 'Brokeback Mountain.' But there are others: Alma's two daughters, Jack's wife Lureen and Jack's son, just to name a few. Would their plight be any less tragic if the affair had been heterosexual?"

"But what of the church? Do we respond to all sin on screen, or only those that offend us the most? If the latter is the rule, I would just like to say, 'Good Night and Good Luck' is a great film, but I could have done without watching all those people smoke."

Amen! Christians need to return to a Biblical understanding on the problems with all sins and get off this unhealthy and unbiblical focus on homosexuality.

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