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Perry's Prayer Rally Attracts Crowds, Political Speculation

Perry's Prayer Rally Attracts Crowds, Political Speculation
Ethics Daily ran my latest article today, which is entitled "Perry's Prayer Rally Attracts Crowds, Political Speculation." It reports on Saturday's political prayer rally in Houston, which brought in 30,000 people and may help launch Perry's presidential campaign. As I noted in the article, Perry stated last week that he was inspired to lead the event after speaking with evangelist James Robison and conservative political organizer David Lane. I first broke the news back in June that Robison talked Perry into holding a national prayer event. On a related note, CNN has an article about Samuel Rodriguez--who leads the National Hispanic Leadership Conference--and his importance as religious-political figure. Rodriguez was part of the leadership for Saturday's event and was part of a group led by Robison that Perry spoke to back in June. Perry's event and Rodriguez's influence are signs of our age of confessional politics.

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