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Wild Ticket!

A faction of the American Independent Party of California split off from the main group to hold its own convention and nominate its own presidential slate. While the other group chose the Constitution Party's nominee Chuck Baldwin, this new group chose a man Baldwin defeated to get the national nomination--Alan Keyes. Making things even more unusual, they chose as their vice presidential nominee none other than controversial Southern Baptist minister Wiley Drake, although it was not certain if Drake would even accept the nomination. Drake, who has in the past had ties to the Unification Church, reportedly supported a man who killed an abortion doctor and was recently investigated by the IRS for endorsing Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on church letterhead. Put him with Keyes and you have got quite a wild presidential ticket!

UPDATE [7-23-08]: FrontPage Magazine has a story updating the Keyes situation, and Ethics Daily has a piece focused on Drake's inclusion on the ticket.

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